About Us


Hello, we are Ben and Masami. We moved from Kyoto to Ehime, renovated an old folk house, and have been running the guesthouse named "Omeguri-an" since 2017. In addition, we are developing a variety of activities under the name “Jinen-dō” which refers to training in ancient martial arts and living without waste as a part of nature.
In May 2019, we acquired a  plot of terraced farmland at the foot of the mountains in Ino, Uwa-cho, Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture. We  have been cultivating fields and replanting native trees to the surrounding area.  In addition, to natural farming and reforestation project we have spent about four years constructing buildings from all natural materials harvested ourselves. We have  built a compost toilet, farm-kitchen , and a thatched-roof dojo “Shinken-Souan ''.

自然道伝授者 Jinen-Dō initiator

ベンジャミン  Benjamin Gross 

アメリカ・ペンシルベニア州の豊かな森がある小さな町で生まれ育った。8歳で武の道を歩み始め、古典テコンドーの訓練を青春時代を通して続けた。 大学時代には拳法柔術、アルニス・デ・マノ、無双直伝英信流居合術を幅広く訓練した。 武道と書道の修行をさらに進めるために2009年に日本に来日。 居合道の稽古を続けていた時、タケノウチ流の古武道を紹介された。それをきっかけにタケノウチ流古武道道場に住み込みの弟子(内弟子)となり、造園業をしながら修行をした。 師範代の資格を取得後、修行の道をさらに深く掘り下げていくため、断食、滝行、瞑想法、や氣の訓練の修験中にクンダリーニの覚醒と武術の神伝を受けた。この出来事により二十年以上の武術歴を捨て一からスタートをするつもりで神伝武術 の修行場「自然道」を愛媛県西予市にて開山。2024年初春に茅葺き道場「神験草庵」を創建した。

Jinen-Do initiator Benjamin Gross  started on his martial path at the age of eight. His journey starting with classical tae kwon do , which he trained throughout his youth. During university he trained extensively in kempō jūjutsu, arnis de mano, and musojikiden eishin ryū iai. To further his martial arts and calligraphy training he moved to Japan. Continuing his practice of iaido he was then introduced to the kobudo practice of Takenouchi ryū. To imerse himself in this ancient martial art, he became a live in apprentice( uchi deshi). Besides daily training in the martial arts he worked as a gardener (niwashi).   After recieving shihandai certification, he began to dig deeper into the ascetic practice of the art. The practice of meditation, fasting, waterfall training, and ki training lead to kundalini awakening and various spirtual transmissions of the art. These teachings led to the conception of Jinendō which reunites the martial artist to a complete martial system that uses effective methods to realign the body and spirit for optimum efficency in everyday life.


昌美    Masami Gross

